Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Family I Never Had

     Today I checked my answering machine. I had not played it back for days. Steven Tyler had called, asking if I was OK. So weird- this guy that I had idolized as a kid is looking out for me as if he was my dad.Which is the closest thing I have ever had to a dad...
I have left messages for Keith Richards, asking him if he wants to meet up and write songs together. But of course he never gets back to me. I am starting to question who my real friends are... T-Bone came over after rehearsal. The usual routine..chill out, with a couple shots of Jack, sitting on our butts watching MTV, then I bring out the gear and we shoot up... why can Tommy do the drugs better than me? Why doesn't he get hooked?
Tommy is the brother I never had. He has this energy and positively I just have not got.. I get off on that, and I give him.. what? Maybe a darkness and edginess he does not have.. and which in some twisted way he admires. It freaks me out that Tommy has never mentioned how I messed up his wedding.. I love him for that..

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